Shoutbox archive

@WoCsJu haha yes theres no way to do it currently, however i have no problem adding it just i need to understand why to do this action it in first place?

my bad i meant css, also i just want it to aim and i shoot when i want so it doesnt look sus

and i mean whats the point to only aim at target without shooting? whats the reason for this action?

wait what csgo? i dont have csgo here. but anyways aimkey is a bind to shoot with aimbot. lets say if you dont want to aimbot with mouse1 then you can set it to m3

Okay, it appears that this cheat has changed quite a bit since I've last used it. What's up with these chromium dependencies and why does the cheat "initliaze" for that long? What exactly does it do? Not gonna lie, it looks rather fishy now and since it differs so much from the UC version, it's as suspicious as ever

Yes sorry.. its a one time process of installation. You wont have to do it again

Okay, that was my problem. The installation process has become more difficult since my last visit, and I did everything as usual. Thank you

did you extract the .zip file into your game folder? did you follow the instructions written in red?

l4d2 visual multihack menu doesn't open. Everything used to work perfectly, but now the menu does not open at all. I have everything I need to install.

yes, you can make simple keyboard/mouse scripts, its very easy to bind one key to another, just google how to

Cfg file located in your game folder .../garrysmod/config.dat. then load it up by going to settings tab in visuals

Its a sandbox type game. It has lots of gamemodes. Anything from zombie survival to minigames, role play.. its highly modded game. Youtube garrysmod, theres alot gameplays

i will add anti jockey tp some time in future but about lua, whoever made aimware is crazy in head. to do this you need simple lua api but the biggest issue is you literally need to bind every function in your cheat to lua and of course make online wiki page of it too. its very easy to do but requires so much work..

redogg possibly you get to take out the lua anti tp jock in the jodidoware?

what practice in HSTM? i think your issue was something else that i already fixed

WTF i unable my HSTM addon for practice and the hack worked loool!, if anyone have HSTM unable it

how i x the problem of inject, now i can't inject the hack without play in windowed or partial :(

including the spectators, however, idk why they did it since it causes alot of glitchs in visibility when dead

In L4D2's Zonemod, survivors cannot see the special infected in the ghost state. Would you consider tweaking it in the future?

@DxStarsd thanks, its very useful option but i will improve it sometime in future becasuse its still not the best

I'm glad thanks to you, on adding the perfect silent, Visuals are now the best multihack xD

its semi blocked on many servers bro, it means it might work 1/4 or 1/5, however you can use changer instead, i think its not blocked at all

the hacks are very good but jockey nose teleport never works for me because

@Jikuee idk, try using nonsteam vr.dll instead and diable what injector says @Pabloxsusus thanks

I love redogg, his hack for l4d2 is great, although the teleport with the jockey fails a lot xd

This is not a problem if i'm not using l4d2v, well its not a big bother i think its just me

I have this weird micro stutter when looking around as survivor and infected (in game) when using l4d2visuals idk what the cause of this. Any ideas?

no bro, why for?, i hate this button since i never used it and i always ended up pressing on it by accident

Hi very good. I have a problem with the left4dead2 hack. I followed all the steps, but when I click on the injector, I get the following: Code execution cannot continue because MSVCP140.dll was not found. This problem can be fixed by reinstalling the program. I would like to know if there is any way to fix it

I included legit config.dat in attachments near download, put it in cstrike folder and press on load cfg in menu

hi @boo5008, you can choose the option in the very bottom of bone selection which called bestbone, it picks the closest bone to your crosshair from all selections

hi, try to retype your thirdperson config in console after enabling and acivating thirdperson

Could you remove the 3rd person option setting? It disables my console 3rd person setting and I have to use 3rd person in this program which forces the FOV setting.

I dontknow if its necessary because i cant delete his downloads or anything like that, however in console it always writes cs-junkies.con in green above the tank image

Somebody is stealing your work and posting it as their own. How can I PM you to send the link? @redogg

Yes i know, current version has problems, wait for the new ypcoming hotfix1. Ill post it anytime today

Lately it only lets me play in campaigns, in other game modes the game just crashes, I don't have a way to fix it so I'm screwed Xd

Cracked aimware hahaha, maybe he was thinking i closed the site 3 days ago when the accident happened

well you may need to delete account of [email protected], name lather, I cant using two account at the same time. :)

if anyone had troubles receiving the activation code in email then i fixed the issue and automatically activated all accounts that were on awaiting activation status

Well, the only thing I lost is my 1 year of being registered. I'm not too bothered by it.