@Lorian At the moment, the issues I'm having are: slight lag from speed hacking, lagexploit freezes the character vision in place when using it, and random crashes, as for Thirdperson, I'm sorry that I didn't express it accurately, and what I said was better from the previous version is because I'm using the Thirdperson way2, if it's just an improvement over method 1, it's a nice update @Lorian
the bugs i had were random blocking and strafing/rage using speedhack, i still dont try the exploits section maybe Iim right the guy below, I'll check xd
@redogg i didn't use 0 lerp and commons still lagging as if i'm using 0 lerp. i'll try again to see if the problem still persist about the bhop and rapidfire.
I think you should test it out, the current version personally feels worse than the previous version, and currently there are flaws in everything except aimbot
Hi. How you use 0 lerp? Its not in menu. And.. dont use 0 lerp because it makes the issue you said. About bhop/rapidfire, whats the issue? I didnt see any
@redogg i mean in the old version (L4D2V Reborn V0301HF3) if you click "drawables" there was a "spectator list and visible spectator" but you removed the features, please bring it back i dont want caught cheating
a new version of L4d2 reborn was a meh, the bunnyhop is not working even I long pressed "SPACEBAR" and the strafe why is it moving even i set to normal, the old version is great please removed the moving strafe sometimes I falling on a ledge
An update has been released for Left 4 Dead 2: - Blocked an exploit that could forcibly disconnect a player from any server, even when playing a local game.
@redogg I'm having some trouble with injection, and sometimes the pop-up window is completely white and unresponsive when injecting, and reopening the game is useless
When will more parameter profiles be added, I have to open the L4D2 file every time when replacing, which is cumbersome, I hope to replace the parameters directly in VR
Yes its not only with hunter but with anyone else. There was a change to animations to match serverside animations and it should make aim more accurate but obviuosly its a little too much
I'm not sure if I'm the only one with this issue Hunter has a model error when flying Crazy switching between two flight maneuvers but only visually Not sure if it affects Hixbot or not
@redogg I have already tried everything, i always do it before seeing each version and obviously i recreate my configurations with each new update, with or without backtrack or aimbot in addition to disabling interp, the hunter is so buggy when he jumps, as I said it is as if he came from l4d1 xd
However it mainly happens with common when using backtrack. Plus dont use disable interp it makes everything laggy. If you want to disable interp normally, put aimbot enabled
Look, when activating backtrack it could cause some harsh animations. When using aimbot it could make the same also but much less than backtrack, usually you can see it by player feet animation that they go wobbly
The backtrack chams cause the models to disappear, the disable interpolation is bugged in 30 ticks, the models are bugged too much and the hitreg is worse, 24 lerps preset???
Do you know how to inject VR into GMOD? The injection method of this game seems to be different from L4D2 I followed the method of L4D2 to inject GMOD but it didn't work
@problemchild6664 It completely disable interpolation for valve source games, it just makes the game look less fluid with the advantage of the game running according to the hitbox
i must inquire what do all the special infected exploits do, i know that jockey teleports to 0,0,0 and hunter goes fast as hell, what do the others do and how would they help. charger rotation is it's own thing but what would the charger exploit do?
i have an idea pls add Anti-spectator mode for example in first person mode on L4D2 if they are spectating you it will stop aimbot just like Dunt0, will you add this in future update? Also pls fix lerp why is it always zero, fix it
They updated the reborn, but when entering any campaign the game simply closes, i suppose they will release a hotfix today, right? because it would make no sense to release an update so that it ends just by closing the game
I know it might be irritating to ask the same question many times, but I'm wondering if AA can be made into a third-person visualization? Because I've noticed that the other cheats in L4D2 don't seem to have this feature because they can't be done or because they don't need to?I'd love to have this feature
Yes. Thanks to @Lorian. There might be a crash hiding somewhere since i crashed once but i didnt manage to debug that crash. If anyone will run into something report in main thread please
@redogg Now everything is resolved, the esp boxes take a little while to appear compared to before, like you have to see the infected first before the box can be seen.
It still has Reborn bugs. The autoexec does not recognize them so well, if you had something bound when you touch the key it does not work and the rate is a failure xd
someone commented on the release of l4d2 reborn, stating the exact same problem i had, that panel is no longer visible like in previous versions, you cant even see your life or the status of your bar thanks to it being no longer present, and if you want starting a game mode on the Zonemod servers will also not be possible because the panel as i said is not there, the !match command can no longer be used. You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.
I already explained all the problems of the new version, including images, i only missed one referring to the automatic rate change by the hack, changing my rates from 1337 to 100 or 60. You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.
They simply stay at the beginning of the chapter doing the action they are doing at the moment, such as jumping or running but static at the beginning of the map, and with the ghosts that you can see as a survivor, on the misho gaming servers you can corroborate this, or the same versus normal
@redogg Im not referring to those ghosts themselves, Im referring to my friends as infected, as you can always see your companions moving around to see where to attack while infected, but with the cheat active this is no longer possible, here reference image. You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.
I was playing now and it turns out that you cant see the ghosts of my companions, i deactivated the disable interp and still nothing xD, the version has bugs, thats it
Okay Lorian, @redogg look, these are 2 screenshots with the 2 versions of the reborn, the first is from the old version, where you can see that the menu on the left is present, and in the one below it does not appear, this being the version that came yesterday. You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.
@redogg I checked again and it turns out that you cannot see the ghosts either, it is only seen when the infected respawns but it does not follow its movement, and out of nowhere it disappears the moment it spawns
Its fine with respect to forwardtrack, but something really corrupted the use of the voting menu with the new version of reborn, try to enter servers with the confogl tag and try the !match message in the chat, you will see that nothing appears , compared to previous versions, and yes, my rates are also automatically changed to 100 or 60 from the cl_updaterate
About the freezes, theyre there, you correct and it happens when you load unloaded parts of the map. However for me these freezes happen for no longer than 1 sec and the game never fully freeze so if you walk, it wouldnt stop you from wqlking or shooting. I say it might be due to bypass movements code since it happens in aimware too. it might break something but i afraid it will continue to be like that until any further notice
The voting menu in sourcemod was never touched, make sure you dont play with hidehud command or with another command that can hide such things. About forwardtrack, forget about it in current version, it was never really tested by me, i will sort it next version
I almost forgot, the game keeps freezing for a certain period of seconds, which hurts you, since people know when you have hacks, just by freezing at a specific time on the map, since everyone who has the same hack freezes In the same place
@redogg Otherwise, everything is fine, except that the backtrack can no longer be used with the forwardtrack, apparently having the forwardtrack activated disables the backtrack
@redogg I found problems in the cheat, i usually enter custom servers which have a menu that is displayed on the left side of your screen, which gives you to choose options with the numbers on your keyboard, but it is simply no longer there, in addition i entered and my rates change by themselves, from 60 to 100, by this i mean the cl_updaterate