I use player ESP, Effect Outlines(weps, misc), spectator and weapon drawables(max dist 500), health bars(normal), I ignore commons for everything. That's all i use visually, i drop from 230 fps to 100-130.
fake angles is not working in css, l4d2 or gmod, they all just stay normal even in third person, only the z fake angles are visible very little in css i think, the up angles, but in all games it just doesnt work its not even spinning or doing anything in 3rd person
Making more dmg is possibke only in l4d2, put speedhack on value 30 i think and lagexplot on 15. It will let you shoot multiple bullets at once but the dmg of bullets remains the same. About ignore, its in settings tab
Its possible to make hitbox bigger but it doesnt matter because in order to hit anyone, your bullet must be registered and validited on serverside too. So you would end up hitting only in your game without actually doing any dmg, you would see just blood effects. the thing from crossfire isnt possible too, sry..
In the game Crossfire there is a feature called range augmentation, he is different from silent aiming, he is increasing the damage of the bullets, expanding the enemy's box, making it more powerful
The injetion window closes automatcally after around 10 sec, the window must be focused all that time. on css the mouse must be on the window to be closed also, on l4d2 only focus is enough
@caonima333222 Record a video with steam overlay fps meter. I never had such issue even after alot of hrs. Or maybe you ativate expensive features that drop fps
Why is it that when I use it and go into the server to play, the game will often be unresponsive and will frequently get stuck, is it because of something I've turned on or am I on win11?
always test stuff first in singleplayer if not sure how they look to spectators online. type in console map <mapname> and record your self in console doing your actions by typing in console record 123, after you finish doing the actions stop the record and watch it with these commands-stopdemo, playdemo 123. when watching this record, thats exactly how people will see you online
and i wouldnt use silent aimbot if you want to look legit, even if you setup perfect silent, people who spectate on you closely will notice something is off. basically what makes the screen shake is nospread/norecoil, and they both require silent aimbot to not shake your own screen. what you can do is apply normal nospread and always silent options, without norecoil+aimbot and put psilent to reduce the shakes or.. use legit spread if the server isnt protected by smac anti cheat
@caonima333222 sorry the injection window will probably stay forever, no matter what. about ignore silent, there is no such option currently, its possible to add it but i think its going quite too far XD, theres infinite amount of such option i can add, theres no limit in coding. look i will wait if someone else will ask the same maybe
@Vestharz theyre all different methods to achieve airstuck, they all work differently. its possible to use jockeyglitch as human to achieve another 3 types of methods of airstuck
Would it be possible to do away with the loading screen when injecting cheats, just as in previous versions, where there is no extra screen when injecting, it's injected in a flash?
in the current version, maybe that has been fixed, u wont drop any fps, I just remember I would lose a lot of fps if I enabled wireframes in old versions of l4d2,
did you notice this? i remember when turn on wireframe wallhack in console in the old versions of l4d2 the game will be lag like hell, drop a lot of fps, but in the new versions it's not, the game will not lose any fps when turning that on, whether wireframe is turned on or off, the fps is the same
There is an issue with the ignore list in this version. I have checked not to shoot tank, and it will still shoot tank in the game. The white list is not checked, and HUNTER will not target it in the game
ok, this version is fine but i already understood how the backtrack works, and apparently it only works when using the "Aimbot Backtrack" since if i shoot the backtrack that the infected person leaves behind it simply does not register, but when using the "Aimbot" does register, so its strange
i have been using this setting since previous versions of Reborn and it worked without problems, having everything selected makes no sense since i only chose the ones that have nothing to do with the specials, just like i have been using mods with the reborn and it never resulted in errors or crashes
you can use glow and enable the advanced sliders of glow, theres around 9 different settings that you can mess around with, far as i remember theres some slider that will make the players in some type of wireframe texture. but remember that any wireframe texture drop alot of fps if applied to high quality model like player models
@redogg can you create a wireframe-style wallhack? in your hack, cuz I find it good-looking, but i don't want to use wireframe wallhack cmd in console because it's not perfect, It is very limited in seeing enemies through multiple walls
@KietGaming this option isnt wworking correctly since long time ago, it was patched. @Ghio record a video about it, i cant see it, not sure what you talk about
can you make the names of dead players and spectators appear to float? I especially want to see their names flying all over the map when they doing that, want to know their activities, that's would be good
yo u think that having the aimware detected leak caused my l4d2 VACation?, i changed aimware's hash with the md5 hash changer after the ban so, now ,can i safely play other online source games?
not quite sure why. there's noting on this site basically. I would guess the site is blocked because it contains the word junkies, I would have changed it but it's little too late now
@KietGaming Hey buddy, why not give Map Dark Wood (Extended)'s Chapter 4 a shot? There's a mega long ladder that serves as a direct pipeline to the sewer, and you can't simply take a plunge.
its not possible to hvh in l4d2, its not counter strike. if you want to hvh download css or gmod visuals. and that file is what makes the injection window open
tienes algun video donde expliques cada funcion del haks L4D2 y como utulizarlas? // Do you have a video where you explain each function of the haks L4D2 and how to use them?
Is there anymap with a very long ladder in it? a ladder long enough to cause bots/npcs to force them to do their climbing down instead of skipping ladder, both aimbot & any type of wallhack dont work on witch when it does its climbing down animation while chasing survivor
hey when i charge in l4d2 as charger lag exploit activates for some reason and either grab them correctly and infinite charge or end up getting the server crashed and its annoying
yeah i just realised that backhop thing, but ok my feature request is to add fake angles visualizer and friendly fire exploit, its like when you shoot your teammates in expert campaign
heres a cool thing you can add for versus. your a special infected you can spawn in front of the survivors no matter what you can spawn close to them near them in front of them so basically any where in the map that would be a cool thing to add.
sincerelly i stoped using the cheat some weeks ago, and it's because of the large amount of things they have added to my favorite community servers, in especially the competitive ones, i miss those days when, u only open the MD5 with Skernell and there is, this actually i think is the cheat with more features than others, but more vulnerable, it needs to adapt
hey redogg, whats up bro, since u added the dependencies, i think the cheat is a little more visuable, and if u ask me, there are more people playing community servers than vanilla servers with the cheat, I think if you adapted the hack to what the community. plays, today if u are suspected from use cheats, competitive servers and some random servers uses some protocols to see the game files of your game so..., and if they want you to stream your game files, that would be checkmate, i don't know and if you don't understand well, is my bad english xD
im too lazy to enter a community server to just show you the problem, plus i asked for help about the freezing problem for a certain number of seconds, not about using the nospread legit and that this leaves you immobilized until you deactivate it xD
bro comeone what you tried to upload a sildeshow? i cant understand anything from this, however im pretty sure i know what you talk about infected but about humans, no idea never heard about it
and until 2 days ago i started using the nospread in legit and it works correctly until the moment where you freeze out of nowhere, leave the saferoom and kill a special infected or if one dies, you freeze until you do not reboot or change server, because if you join again you will still be frozen.
the fps drops or its visual lags? i now remember that when you attack with infected like charger the screen will get laggy littlebit, its not fps but its related to some bypass i did and seems like it breaks something
is very annoying because when you want to shoot, the game freezes for a certain number of seconds, essential for the infected, the same when playing as infected, u go to attack and you freeze