L4D2V Reborn V0507HF2, that one in particular, ive been experiencing this type of freezing for days while playing, i tried playing with and without mods and its still the same
With the new Reborn update lately the game has been having problems because there are times when the game freezes for a certain number of seconds, i hope im just the only one
i dont know if this is a bug or not but when i inject the script on l4d2 it doesnt work it used too but now it does not for some reason any ideas please tell me.
Oh, I get it. The rage mode for strafe just doesn't work with psilent. Then I have another question. Is it possible to make people not see the camera shake when using silent?
Rage Strafe used to work perfectly, but now when I turn the mouse nothing happens. I've also tried setting the mouse mode, but that doesn't help either. I just rotate my character with the mouse. Is there anything I can do to fix this?
download.exe seems to be super suspicious, I don't know.. if I would see a free cheat that requires you to download it from .exe, I don't think I would trust it at all my self. the installation instructions are fairly simple and installing it manually is much more trustable
hey redoggy, there's a way to use the cheat but without putting the files in the l4d2 carpet, i think l4d2visuals needs to be more quiet, at least create a downloable .exe like aimware, i only suggest
and if you look closely the health he has is 200 (the same when the exploit I mentioned is done correctly), so it means that they do the same thing but most probably in a different way
@Corazon its not a god mode as such, its simply a bug/exploit in the game. if you use the pills or adrenaline and start spamming lagexploit until it puts you as idle, the game will add health to you
And imma just repost: "In fact [b]sometimes[b] I wish redogg would release a lightweight hack in addition to make it easy to play and possibly less vulnerable to anti-cheat detection. Such as bhop, raid fire, fast melee, air stuck, I am willing to use these [b]four[b] in exchange for other functions to disappear XD
In fact somethings I wish redogg would release a lightweight hack in addition to make it easy to play and possibly less vulnerable to anti-cheat detection. Such as bhop, raid fire, fast melee, air stuck, I am willing to use these three in exchange for other functions to disappear XD
yeah, but don't spread the hacks to strangers outside of this site, that's not recommended, once a hack is widely known to be so common, people will report it to the developer(s) so they will patch/fix the exploits in games so the number of hacks would wiped out
once upon a time there was a fun way to kill survivors in one shot with any weapon, good times XD You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.
another way or alternative to do this exploit, is in maps where you can receive damage when drowning in water, instead of subtracting health, it will add it to you
its only possible in campaign, at the time i tried it in vs but it was impossible, the main requirement of this exploit is that lagexploit places you as inactive
ahh I see, before doing that you had 66 HP, after the trick you had 120 XDDD. I guess if you do it again you would have 200hp. and please don't delete the video, leave it
You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. by having inf stumble and lag exploit on, you can generate more health until you get 200 and won't take damage, but instead gain
didn't understand about that godmode thing haha he have in video 200 health somehow, I know it can be done by drowning yourself but no godmode and how could it be done with stumble option?
Well, would you believe it? Despite the valiant efforts of those clever developers to patch up the game's quirks and bugs, it seems some mischievous little blighters manage to find their way around and continue wreaking havoc. They're as relentless as a determined squirrel trying to steal your last biscuit. But fear not, for we resourceful members have an uncanny ability to exploit these glitches and make them work in our favor. It's like turning a troll into a cheeky memelord, wouldn't you say? Hats off to our ingenuity!
yeah, i remember one time when I was playing a server at same time with highest ranked player on that server (i'm not sure if it's admin),another player named me for cheats, then got banned by console, most likely it banned me anonymously
it's like the admin could ban anyone it wants but it hides its own name so none else knows, so the banned users will be notified that they've been banned by anticheat..
is it possible when you got banned by an admin on some servers but it is shown that you are banned by anticheat but in fact that you have been banned by a human admin?, I suspect that
in general, in l4d2 many anticheats work the same or use almost the same things(plugins). there are some that have additional things or do absurd things to detect you haha. also, many of the plugins can be found on the internet
imagine spending hours & hours playing ur favorite servers and getting banned for some reason when you've never heard of it, because you think it's safe to use, especially permanently
so how do you know that anti-cheat could ban you for anything reason when you violate something it possibly detects? there're a lot of people who get banned for a bunch of different reasons, once it has banned you forever, you never get a chance to try again
anything that might get you into troubles is written in menu as a warning, only in css/gmod some unexpected stuff could happen because the anti cheats there are miles better than l4d2
what you think we are stupid or something XD? it's the basics of the basics to do such things, all across the development time I checked and played in the most restricted servers possible, including infinite amount of tests time of testers
You and your friends should create a server for yourself then put anti-cheat on your server to check the hacks to gain more experience, for example, you can set up anti-cheat to ban someone for 1 minute when they use aimbot, rapidfire, autotrigger etc... after the banned time passed, then you can join it again to check it out more, and so on
Dear Redogg Do you know how the current version of L4d2 VR can cause the COOP mode server to crash? I mean, in the past, using the transmission of the old version of VR can cause the COOP mode server to crash
man what is this? You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. there are bunches of them and look confused, and I'm not used to that website
On that website you can find the rarest items for steam to buy but its super pricey because its super rare and super collectable, i wanted to buy angry birds star wars inventory gift for 400$, i almost did it haha, its the only known copy of that on steam. I ended up spending 300$ on 3 cd keys of old gta steam collection from around 2010, now these keys worth at least 200$+ each
@KietGaming if you want, you can buy a complete steam account with username and password with some games(didnt find l4d2) for super cheap like 1$. Check it out if you want, you can find maybe the best deals ever there You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view. and its all legit, just make sure to check description before buying something
try to correct spelling the word 'comunity' in "CS Junkies is a gaming comunity focused on legendary old gen games which you can discuss about in our forums" in Forums
i will try to see what it means. edit: I just checked the error and looks like its really a problem on my end. super strange but it might be because of proxy port, I set the proxy port to be 80, maybe its not 80 world wide for internet?? I will post test version for you soon
I was use AHK make a color trigger for another game call "生死狙擊2", it work very fine if the enemy hp color is stable. the most important part for me, is it wont got catch by anti-cheat XDD
however theres that thing called autohotkey2 now, with that its possible to grab information off the memory and use it, without altering it at all. but the very same thing can be achieved in c++ in a cleaner way
yes bro thats what i said about color trigger bot and such, its super crappy and unreliable, i said so before.. because all the information you get, you actually make it up and not read the real memory
I am not questioning you,redogg; I simply want to express my admiration for your technical development skills. I understand that your auxiliary program requires reading and modifying client and server memory data, and I also recognize that AI may not match the efficiency and accuracy of memory locks. I am just curious if there are people who utilize such AI programs, and how the game's design and development affect the difficulty of training enemy models.
memory hack. It refers to the act of reading enemy coordinate data from the game's memory and modifying the aiming direction by altering the data stored in memory to achieve an automatic aiming function. algorithmic auto-aim. It involves capturing the screen image, analyzing the enemy's position through image recognition, and simulating mouse movements to align the crosshair with the recognized enemy's head.
Oh no, its not fully possible, theres some things called color triggerbot, its being created in ahk. But its very crappy. It shoots only on colors you specify that are located in your crosshair location
Hello folks, is there currently any commercially available AI aim assist for l4d2? Furthermore, what level of difficulty does training AI for accurate targeting on official maps entail?
@kratox256x did you even try to read the description of custom settings of psilent? and i added edge jump for next update, it will jump automatically in edges
@pinguinoo123 You need to turn off all Windows Firewall, Windows Defender completely, download this link (You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login to view.) to install & open it to disable
I managed to inject, but the cheat keeps crashing everytime i'm in-game... My windows and game are fresh installs, I have all the dependencies and all, but whenever I actually join a game, it crashes.
but doggo I can't make a good config if p silent make you lag, and the auto bhop doesn't auto jump while activated on edge like the last time I show you a image
You cant obviously cheat there, theres always around 10 spectators watching players all the time haha, be smart, configure such config that it wouldn't be visible
i got a server where when you plant a bomb you put a color so the ct can guess the color if not it will boom can you make a hack for it to crack the color?
you could try it yourself by putting lagexploit on value of around 200 on spam mode, and try to plant the bomb and holding the lag key, it should do the work about timing the key press
btw, i found an exploit when you but speedhack on 50 and then jump and when you are about to get down you enable the speedhack and then do it much as you could and then enable airstuck, you will get nocliped underground